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import { DiscordHono } from 'discord-hono'
const app = new DiscordHono()
app.command('ping', c => c.res('Pong!!'))
export default app


const commands = [
new Command('ping', 'response Pong'),
new Command('image', 'response Image'),
const app = new DiscordHono()
.command('ping', c => c.res('Pong!!'))
.command('image', c => c.res('Image!!'))

The first argument of Command() must match the first argument of .command().
The second argument of the matched .command() is executed.

The first argument can be a regex or ''.
'' matches all remaining unmatched parts and can be used as a fallback.


const app = new DiscordHono()
.command('components', c =>
content: 'No button clicked yet',
components: new Components().row(
new Button('button-1', 'Button'),
new Button('button-2', 'Second'),
.component('button-1', c => c.resUpdate('Button clicked'))
.component('button-2', c => c.resUpdate('Second clicked'))

The first argument of the component element Button() must match the first argument of .component().
The second argument of the matched .component() is executed.

The first argument can be a regex or ''.
'' matches all remaining unmatched parts and can be used as a fallback.


const commands = [
new Command('hello', 'command').options(
new Option('option', 'selector').autocomplete().required(),
const app = new DiscordHono().autocomplete(
c =>
new Autocomplete(c.focused?.value).choices(
{ name: 'world', value: 'world!!!' },
{ name: 'hi', value: 'hi!' },
c => c.res(c.var.option),

Add .autocomplete() to Option() of the command.
The first argument of Command() must match the first argument of .autocomplete().
The second argument of the matched .autocomplete() is the handler for choice generation, and the third argument is the handler for execution.

The third argument of .autocomplete() is the same as the second argument of .command().

const app = new DiscordHono()
.command('modal', c =>
new Modal('modal-1', 'Modal Title')
.row(new TextInput('text-1', 'Text'))
.row(new TextInput('text-2', 'Second')),
.modal('modal-1', c => c.res('Modal submitted'))

The first argument of Modal() must match the first argument of .modal().
The second argument of the matched .modal() is executed.

The first argument can be a regex or ''.
'' matches all remaining unmatched parts and can be used as a fallback.


const app = new DiscordHono()
'0 0 * * *',
async c =>
await Rest(c.env.DISCORD_TOKEN).post(
{ content: 'Daily Post' },
async c =>
await Rest(c.env.DISCORD_TOKEN).post(
{ content: 'Other Cron Triggers Post' },
name = "example"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-02-08"
crons = [ "0 * * * *", "0 0 * * *" ]

The first argument of .cron() must match the toml file crons.
The second argument of the matched .cron() is executed.

The first argument can be a regex or ''.
'' matches all remaining unmatched parts and can be used as a fallback.


Please refer to here.
We try to be as similar as possible to Hono’s fetch().


If you use export default app, .scheduled() is included.

Init Options


If it’s a Cloudflare environment, there’s no need to use it.


import { verify, PlatformAlgorithm } from 'discord-verify'
const app = new DiscordHono({
verify: (...args) =>
verify(...args, crypto.webcrypto.subtle, PlatformAlgorithm.OldNode),

Deprecated: When discord-verify doesn’t work well

import { verifyKey } from 'discord-interactions'
const app = new DiscordHono({ verify: verifyKey })


If it’s an environment variable similar to Example, there’s no need to use it.
Use it when you save the environment variable with a different name or when it’s an environment other than Cloudflare.

const app = new DiscordHono({
discordEnv: env => ({