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import { DiscordHono } from 'discord-hono'
type Env = {
Bindings: {
DB: D1Database
const app = new DiscordHono<Env>()
app.command('hello', async c => {
const db = c.env.DB
/* Perform some operation */
return c.res('world!!')
export default app

Init Options

import type { InitOptions } from 'discord-hono'
import { DiscordHono } from 'discord-hono'
type Env = {
Bindings: {
DB: D1Database
const options: InitOptions<Env> = {
const app = new DiscordHono<Env>(options)

Context types

import type {
} from 'discord-hono'
import { DiscordHono } from 'discord-hono'
type Env = {
Bindings: {
DB: D1Database
const commandHandler = async (c: CommandContext<Env>) => {
const db = c.env.DB
/* Perform some operation */
return c.res({
components: new Components().row(new Button('button', 'Yo!!')),
const componentHandler = async (c: ComponentContext<Env>) => {
const db = c.env.DB
/* Perform some operation */
return c.resModal(
new Modal('modal', 'This is Modal').row(
new TextInput('id', 'Type something'),
const modalHandler = async (c: ModalContext<Env>) => {
const db = c.env.DB
/* Perform some operation */
return c.res('Modal Submit')
const cronHandler = async (c: CronContext<Env>) => {
const db = c.env.DB
/* Perform some operation */
const app = new DiscordHono<Env>()
.command('hey', commandHandler)
.component('button', componentHandler)
.modal('modal', modalHandler)
.cron('', cronHandler)
export default app

It corresponds to the context received as the second argument of each app.***().